Friday, November 8, 2013

Bye Bye Calzona...For Now

Before I launch into this rant, I have to make a confession.

I don't actually watch Grey's Anatomy.

I know. What the fuck, right?

I don't watch any tv show religiously any more. I think the last time I made a concentrated effort to tune in to a show on the regular was Buffy, Season 6. Even then I was actually doing double duty, watching Season 6 once a week while watching reruns of seasons 1-5 on FX to catch up because I was a Buffy noob. See, the thing is, I have issues with waiting. I'm an instant gratification kind of girl. Waiting a week between episodes or living through the little hiatuses that shows would have—you know, the ones that would inevitably include some ridiculous cliffhanger just in case you were going to forget the show existed in the interim—proved to be too much for my little impatient self. Luckily, technology trends agreed with me and now I can either wait until everything is available on Netflix and gorge myself (looking at you, Pretty Little Liars), or catch all the relevant clips on Youtube when ready. Netflix even went ahead and said, "You know what? Here. Have a whole original series in one go."

Anyway, resources are plenty for attention-challenged peeps like myself so believe me when I say that even though I've only sat down and watched a couple of episodes in the entire run of the series, I'm up on the Grey's. Between the After Ellen recaps and Youtube, I'm all set and prepared to rant like an expert. Sort've.

The episodes that I watched, by the way, were two pretty pivotal Calzona ones anyway. One was the shooter 2-part episode, where they got back together after almost dying, and the most recent 2-episode arc with the storm where Arizona's skank self cheated. Getting ahead of myself? Yeah. They were great eps too, and simultaneously made me understand why so many are addicted to this show while also confirming my belief that my little heart could not survive the waiting.

On with the show.

Calzona appear to be over and it hurts me. It truly, honestly hurts me. I make fun of people who get all emotional and psycho about tv characters because, hello, get a life, but I was surprised at how much reading this week's recap affected me. I didn't go home sick or anything, but there was definitely a little hitch in my giddyup while I digested just what it meant that Arizona is not only pursuing a sexual liaison with Leah, but that she finally took off her ring. I mean...ouch. I'm so sad and disappointed at the path of their storyline, and I scoured the interwebs today looking for some sign, no matter how vague, that things could get fixed again. What I saw was not comforting.

I read interviews with Sara Ramirez and Jessica Capshaw and they talk about how things had to get shaken up, how no one wants a boring old stable couple storyline, how this makes for good tv, and it just rings bogus to me. That dog would hunt if we were talking about some show that focused on one couple ('sup Mad About You?), or featured an ensemble cast where the whole show essentially focused on 2 people and the rest were just there for support (Friends, Dawson's Creek, almost every other 'ensemble' show). Grey's is one of those ensemble shows where all the people actually do matter and get their own storylines that don't hinge on a "main" character. So yeah, in a huge hospital full of interesting characters, with an influx of new ones, you can indeed let some couple just be. Hell, Meredith and Derek have been together since the beginning. Throw some MerDer shit at Calzona. That seems to be working.

The other thing that gets me is how butchered the character of Arizona is now. I mean, I hardly recognize her. They've kind've made her into this selfish, weird person. Hear me out on this; it's possible I've missed some pivotal scene somewhere, but this is what it looks like to me:

  • I think it's totes weird that Calzona were having some issues with intimacy that stemmed from Arizona's self-consciousness about her missing leg, but that she is all too willing to jump into the sack sans leg with two strangers. She couldn't handle it with her wife, but she's got no such qualms when it comes to...other blondes? I don't get it. That seems to be a pretty major point that the writers would do well to bring up in some way.
  • I read fan comments about how Arizona has tried so hard to make things right with Callie and how Callie is too hard on her and Arizona deserves a chance to move on, so yeah, bring on Leah! Wait a sec. So, I saw Arizona essentially blame Callie for her infidelity. She screwed around with the Good Doc Lauren because...leg! I didn't see her really take responsibility for what she did. She says, "I screwed up" but doesn't get to the heart of why. That's kind of a big deal. 
  • She's already sleeping with someone else. I'm sorry, but you denied your wife a physical connection (because leg!), cheated on your wife (because...leg!), blamed her for it (because leg!) and now you're like, "Fuck it, I deserve to be happy. Time to move on" ( get it). That to me screams lack of understanding of self and a failure to simply deal. 
Seriously, reading about Arizona's shenanigans has me in fits. I've decided that I can't do recaps and such any more. I just don't want to know about Arizona and Leah, and I'm certainly not keen on reading fangirls squee over them, especially when they start attacking Callie and making out like she somehow deserves this or that Arizona was the wronged party. I have to step away from the Youtubes until this is over...and perhaps forever if they never reconcile.

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